APPs for use on the RG35XX’s

We already commented on a previous occasion that many users and developers with knowledge of Linux were taking advantage of the power of the console and its H700 chip to take advantage of it in a way other than just playing with it, and we showed you how they had executed an environment linux to be able to use it as a computer.

A new option for this is the one created by game-de-it called DesktopOS, which is compatible with all consoles that carry the H700 chip (That is, the entire RG35XX family excluding the Original from 2022). You can try it by downloading it fron his github.

We also have a new application to watch YouTube videos from the console, although this time it is only compatible with consoles that obviously have WiFi. Z3R0C1PH3R is the one who is in charge of its development. We have already tested it and it is improving with each update. You can download it from his github.

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