Koriki Beta Ed Torres for RG35XX + , H & New 2024

About a month ago we announced an image of Koriki/Batocera that ED Torres had prepared for our consoles, loaded with Roms, Themes, Overlays, configured to the maximum so that everything worked perfectly. Designed for a 128GB card and you can later change the ROMs if you feel like it.
Since that day we began to make a mirror to leave it on Archive.org available to more people, and between the little time I have and how slow it is sometimes to upload large files, it has taken a long time, to the point that it has been updated, and therefore, before publishing it here, we have taken care of updating it as well.
The image is of a 16GB card, you can expand the SHARE partition to the maximum of your card and adding the ROMS there. (It already has some included)
Some very heavy systems have been split into several files, but then they go in the same folder, and you can unzip them separately or when you have downloaded them all.
We leave you the direct link here, and we will also add it to our Roms section. Enjoy it!!
(NOTE: It is not valid for the Original RG35XX of 2023, you have its corresponding version at RG35XX.COM)


New RG35XX SP?

     A new leak, or perhaps a new way to show us what is going to come and make us grow the “hype”, the desire to want to buy something, and with the imminent release of the new Miyoo Mini Flip, Anbernic already has its version of the RG35XX with a shell shape, in the purest GameBoy Advance SP style, which does not surprise us that its final name was RG35XX SP.
In the following video that several pages dedicated to retro consoles have already published, it shows us in a few seconds how the console has the latest operating system of the RG35XX family and when we close it we see how a logo on the lid goes off, and They put a Nintendo GBA SP next to them, showing us that their size is almost identical.
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More customizations…

     We have been working on new customizations for the Stock Firmware, and we have used material that we already had for our Original RG35XX, adapting them to this new system.
You now have Battery Charging Themes available from its corresponding section.
Here are some samples:
Additionally _axle_ has sent us a new theme in 3 versions, and we have modified our Back To The Future theme to make it compatible with this Stock Firmware. Now available from our Stock Themes section

New RG35XX 2024 Available!

      As we have read in RetroHandhelds, A new version of our RG35XX has been released. This new version is an updated version of the Original console, maintaining the same battery capacity, 2600 mAh, but increasing its power with the chip of its older sisters, The RG35XX+ and the RG35XX H, the Allwinner H700 Quad-Core chip, and the memory of 1GB of LPDDR4 RAM, as well as the Dual-Core G31 MP2 GPU.
Or what is the same, a version of the RG35XX+ but without its Wifi capabilities and with a lower battery to reduce costs.
The software and customizations are compatible with this new version, although you will no longer be able to enjoy GarlicOs or everything that was created for this Custom Firmware…
We have already started crowdfunding to be able to have it when it goes on sale and thus be able to do tests and continue offering you content for it.

Help us get a RG35XX 2024



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Modified and Preconfigured Stock Firmware

     Our collaborator, Gabi_90, has invested time in creating a preconfigured version of the latest version of Stock Firmware Modified by cbpex-me adding various configurations in Retroarch such as Retroarchivements, Overlays, Shaders, Bezels… Modified, unnamed .csv file. or wrong, updated PS1 core, quick shutdown and personalized with our custom theme. You will only have to add your Roms, or you can download from our Roms section, the ones you need!

You can download this Firmware for a 16GB (Expandable) card from here:



How to play 32X on the Stock Firmware

     For a long time we have been trying to make 32X work on the console, since Anbernic forgot to add it… We had already been able to make them work from Reatroarch, creating a playlist, but it was somewhat cumbersome to get to them to be able to play them . I tried to create Scripts to launch them from APPS or PORTS, but my knowledge was either not enough or it couldn’t be done that easily.
Until our collaborator Gabi_90, has a “vision”, tests it and manages to make it work with a little trick, which we will reveal to you below:

– To be able to play 32X games, you must change the extension of your 32x roms and put them in .smd instead of .32x. (You can do this manually without using any program)
– Create a folder called 32X inside your Megadrive roms folder, and put all the roms whose extension you have changed there. (to have them better organized)
– When you are going to play a 32x game, you must enter the Megadrive icon, and when you go to select the game, you will do so from the 32x folder, and once in the list, with the Y button you can change the core that you want to use, selecting the picodrive one.
– Your 32X game will run and you will be able to play and enjoy it.

Gabi_90 has added the already modified roms to her Romset in Archive, in case you want to use them. To download them >HERE<


     Given the lack of news about the Custom Firmware GarlicOs 2.0 for our Plus and H, (More than 3 months without news from Black Seraph), and the nostalgia of GarlicOs 1, taking advantage of the fact that the stock firmware is a little customizable, I have created to all the nostalgic, a theme based on GarlicOs, and that for the moment I am going to leave installed on my console.
You can download it from our Themes for StockOS section.

2 New Themes and Updates

     Today we bring you 2 new themes for the Stock firmware, but first, a couple of updates:
The Miyoo-Anbernic Theme has been updated, as some images were displayed upside down leading to confusion and sometimes the background was not displayed correctly. If you already downloaded and installed it, please download and install it again.
The Cave Story Port in Spanish had an error. If you already installed it and it worked for you, don’t do anything, but if you couldn’t put it in Spanish, download it again and it will work for you now!

And you can download the 2 new themes from our Themes for StockOs section:


If you need a new Retro Game Handheld Device, you can buy here!
Directly from >>ANBERNIC<<