New Firmware Update & New Custom MOD

     Yesterday a new update for the RG35XX H appeared, with some new features, although really few. The curious thing is that this update has not been released at the time of writing this for the Plus version, although it will not take long I imagine, and we will update our links and now also available for the PLUS in the Firmwares section.

The new features included are:
1. When there is no game on tf1, the emulator list is displayed directly without prompting for card selection.
2. GBC adds 2 new simulators.
3. Update the information file to solve the arcade instant file problem.
4. Fix known bugs.

And also the new update of the Modified Stock Firmware by cbepx-me has not been long in coming and includes many improvements and much more stable than the MOD3 version that we already knew. It allows you to update from any previous version of firmware, only by copying some files to the APPS folder, in case you do not want to reinstall the entire system, although it does not include roms, and it is recommended to make a backup first. It is currently the one I have installed on my PLUS, although it is also compatible with H, so I recommend it, since it is the most updated and also improved version!
For more information and download, visit their github >HERE<


  1. Downloaded the modified Stock Firmware by cbepx-me, but all the apps in der RA folder are chinese. Any fix for this?

  2. hi..newbie kinda…im familiar with emus and roms but i have no way of updating the os firmware or dven custom firmware as i no longer have a computer.! im running a 10.4 inch samsung tab 6s lite tablet running android 14 with one ui 6. i can transfer roms via my tablet to the stock micro sd via a 5 in 1 multi card reader. im also having some difficulty switching cores with the original stock on rg35xxh. i cant seem to switch to other sub cores. i downloaded the workable ones which im familiar with.. like say for nds which by default launches drastic but cant access the melon ds core for certain games.
    so is there any way to update my os via my android tablet? im full of bone cancer and mobility of my hands is an issue.. its also why i bought the anbernic rg35xxh ..cos it has joysticks and not just the Dpad.. i have a powkiddy v90 but the Dpad option for me is no longer feasible.

    btw..i ran into the same firmware problem wiyh my powkiddy v90 as well. no computer so couldnt update the i had to spend major money to buy another micro sd card instead and i aint that rich!

    another question .. i have the 15,000 game card for my powkiddy v90 and i dont know if i can use roms from it… and i cant seem to copy certain powkiddy v90 files. ..its like they are hidden and how the heck can one clone the sd card so those hidden folders and files be transferred over when i only have my tablet! sigh… actually the emus and especially the roms on the powkiddy v90 games card should be easily doable infact…just a copy/ paste of the roms folders to the tablet and then onto the new micro sd card via my 5 in 1 multi reader…. and same with the emus and bios files…
    but anyways…any input would be greatly appreciated and thanks.

    btw…my son got me into this techie stuff and video gaming … its kinda a hobby for me and gets my mind off my terminal bone cancer too.
    my son knows a lot more than me.. he’s a game programmer but he wont help me at all.. just tells me to figure it out on my own…sheesh.. darn kid! oh well i still love him anyways.. he’s my only kid after all.

  3. hI, I just flashed the firmwre, but the FTP server not working. Does it mean that there is no FTP server in this version ? Im little lost in all this versions

          1. I flashed a new SD card and created a new partition for the ROMS folder. Are you saying the OS created an APPS folder on the SD card?

            Do I then have to insert the SD card into a computer and do what? I’m a little bit lost as to what activating a folder means, I would appreciate some help here

  4. Hi, can’t I update from mod3 os? As I try to update from the app folder, it immediately shuts down the application.

    Current firmware is rg35xxH-20240130 (on rg35xxPLUS)
    I use two ssds and I put the update files on the tf2 card

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