RG35XXSP On Sale very Soon!

The launch of the shell-shaped version of the Plus version is finally official!

Where to buy it? HERE:

MuOs V11 Available, Knulli for RG28XX Available, RG35XXSP Features and more…

     The Custom Firmware created by Adixal finally gets bigger, and supports themes, making for a visually pleasing interface and reaching a much larger audience than its previous versions which were all text based on RetroArch. In addition to this, which I consider the most important thing about this update, it has many other things such as the fact that the operating system already runs at 64 bits and many other things, which it is better that you read from its page. (It only needs to be able to be used in other languages and not only in English).

     Knulli, the Custom Firmware based on Batocera created by Acmeplus, has also been released, although publicly only for the RG28XX at the moment, although for the RG35XX you can also get it by helping or contributing to the developer. It is available from their page.

     We already know the characteristics of the New RG35XXSP, and we can be happy, because instead of being the same as the new RG35XX of 2024, they are exactly the same as the Plus version, so we will have Wifi and Bluetooth!!

     And we have also added a new theme to our Stock Themes section, Synthwave, and we are updating some themes that were left in previous versions and people are demanding, coming soon…

(FlatAura’s Themes from _axle_ updated)

RG35XX SP, New Themes, RG28XX Customization, MuOs, GarlicOs and more info…

     After the leaks of the last few days, Anbernic has finally made the official announcement from its YouTube channel, in a few days or hours the new clamshell-shaped version of the RG35XX console will be available, this time with the SP suffix, alluding to the Nintendo console it resembles, the GameBoy Advance SP.
You can see the 4 colors available at launch in the image above.
Although not all the characteristics are yet known, from what we can see in the video they are exactly the same in terms of hardware as the PLUS version. Here we leave you the video that they published a few hours ago:

     We have added 2 new themes for the Stock firmware, which you already have available from the Stock Themes section and we will soon add some more that we are testing and finishing editing.

     Also, if you have an RG28XX, we are already preparing the Boot Logos and Themes to be compatible, they require a small modification and will be in a separate section so as not to mix them with the rest of RG35XX, but we already have the sections available in the Menu, Soon all the contents will be there so you can use them!!

     The news and work accumulate and there is little time, but I do not forget to inform you; The latest version of the MuOs Operating system, created by Adixal, V11 is now available in alpha version and promises to be a great update, with new themes, improving the visual aspect and also works now under 64-bit architecture which promises to be a great He improves, as does Knulli.

     And about GarlicOs 2, the latest news is that after 5 months without news from Black Seraph, he has commented on Networks that he has finished the project in which he was immersed and that he is getting back to work on GarlicOs 2, and has started supporting the new RG28XX and promises new updates soon…

 We also want to inform you that we have deactivated the modified and preconfigured version of the cbepx-me stock mod firmware by Gabi_90 for the moment since it has been a little unstable and until we have it perfect we will not publish it. We apologize to those of you who downloaded it and had problems.

We continue working for our RG35XX, RG35XX Plus, RG35XX H, RG35XX 2024, RG28XX and very soon also for RG35XXSP 😉


Firmware Upgrades for all the RGXX

    Anbernic has updated the Firmware of all its consoles with the Allwinner H700 chip, specifically the RG35XX Plus, RG35XX H and RG35XX 2024, providing them with new emulators, correcting small errors and moving the Apps folder to its new section that we already saw in previous versions of Firmware.
Curiously, it is not yet available on its firmware download page at the time of writing this news, although they were published in the YouTube video that we saw yesterday, and that we already have available in our stock firmware section. (Only versions with ROMS for 64GB cards at the moment)

A few hours after the launch, cbepx-me already offered us its modified version, with improvements as always on this stock firmware, providing it with even more functionalities, and which you also have available in our stock firmware section, and which we recommend you use before the official version. If you already had the previous MOD installed or have already installed a recent version of the stock firmware, you can simply upgrade without having to overwrite the entire card again, a feature that makes it worth using this mod version.


Firmwares for RG28XX, New Themes and more…

     We have added to our Stock Firmwares section, the last version available for the RG28XX, with ROMS, and without ROMS, as Anbernic offers it on its page, and also, we have added the last version of the firmware modified by cbepx-me Also for the RG28XX, in its most current version, the V1.6.

We have also added new themes for stock firmware, and we are working to add some more, and finish updating those that we have pending. And thanks to a new script for the themes, thanks to the creator of one of these new ones that we offer, InfraBlue, we have updated the last themes that we had compatible with the most recent firmware versions, and now it is possible to replace the 2 starting images , or Boot Logos, which had to change by hand, is now automated when installing the theme. They are already available to download from our themes for stock section.

And we have already used to update our Boot Logos installers, who be available in their section, Boot Logos.

Stock Mod 1.6 Preconfigured for Plus and H

     Our friend and collaborator Gabi_90 has once again worked on a completely preconfigured version of the Stock Mod 1.6 of cbepx-me, so that you don’t have to think about too many things, except inserting your Roms, and adding your Wi-Fi keys, etc…
Here are the things it includes:

– File “arcade-plus.csv” with many names corrected.
– Overlays and bezels configured.
– PS1 Core replaced with a better one.
– Retroarch cheats updated.
– Some Bezels added and fixed.
– “RG35XX overlays” folder added with more overlays.

You can download the preconfigured image for PLUS from his Google Drive: >HERE<

You can download the preconfigured image for H from his Google Drive: >HERE<

Custom Firmwares Comparision

Organix33 on Reddit we have created this comparison with Pros and Cons that we believe is ideal for choosing which firmware to currently install according to your needs:

Stock MOD (cbepx-me)

* Pros:

  • Similar to Stock
  • Frequent updates
  • Optimized for all supported systems
  • Easy to flash
  • Comes with additional tools (SSH, NTP, RA button switch, Random ROM selection, Custom theme script)

* Cons:

  • Not eye candy out of the box

MOD4 (Tom Duhamel)

* Pros:

  • Similar to Stock
  • Optimized for all supported systems
  • Easy to flash
  • Comes with additional tools (FTP, NTP)

* Cons:

  • Not eye candy out of the box
  • Less frequent updates
  • Minor issues with clock and WiFi

Batocera (acmeplus)

* Pros:

  • Eye candy
  • Many customization options
  • Bluetooth audio

* Cons:

  • Requires more setup
  • Longer boot times
  • Battery drain issues
  • Less frequent updates
  • Still in Beta phase

MinUI (shauninman)

* Pros:

  • Minimalistic design
  • Fast boot times
  • Resembles Analog Pocket


  • Limited features
  • No boxart
  • No WiFi out of the box
  • No Retroachievements
  • No analog stick compatibility yet

MUOS (adixal)

* Pros:

  • Minimalistic design
  • Fast boot times
  • Ability to create or change themes
  • Includes Retroarch

* Cons:

  • Less frequent updates
  • “Linux style” menu
  • Lack of support for Mupen64 or PPSSPP

* Currently in Alpha:

KNULLI (acmeplus)

GarlicOs 2.0.1 (Black Seraph)

MOD4 it’s Updated!

     This is a modification of the Stock Firmware created by Tom Duhamel for the RG35XX Plus and H, (I think it will also work for the 2024 version of the Original RG35XX, but we have not been able to test it.). It is based on the official software version, 2024-04-09 and includes some functions that the original firmware does not include by default, such as:
– FTP (To be able to connect wirelessly to the console to transfer files)
– Automatically Updated Clock (as long as it is activated and connected to the internet)
– Automatic extension of the game partition

Known errors: (Which we hope will be corrected in future updates)
– When the clock updater is activated, shortly after WiFi is activated, this confuses the software into thinking that it has been inactive for a long time. This instantly activates sleep mode. This is a minor annoyance, as you only need to briefly press the power button to turn it on again, however, it can definitely confuse the unexpected user. An obvious solution is to disable sleep mode from settings (set lock screen to Never).

You can download it from your MEGA account: >HERE<

The New RG28XX Released!!

Where to buy it? HERE:

Stock Mod V1.6

     cbepx-me has already updated its modified version of the Anbernic stock system, one day after its launch, and as always with some new features apart from those already brought by the update itself. These improvements are:

-Add default L2 key as activation shortcut for continuous sending
-Add “Show Info” function to view system version and other information
-Add “Move APPS” feature
-Modify the “Random” function to support all games, collections, history and individual simulators
-Modify the “Random-bootlogo” to automatically restore the default startup logo when it is closed
-Modify the installation program and streamline the installation package volume
-Modify, complete, and merge partial masks
-Modify the sound effects of the default theme
-Fix mask display issue during HDMI output
-Other minor adjustments

Download as always from his Shared Google Drive >HERE<


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