Custom Firmware News

     After a few days of relaxation, we take the opportunity to list in this news all the recent news regarding custom firmwares for our consoles:

cbepx-me Mod 2.2 (For all consoles that use the H700 chip) has been updated with some new functions such as a quick configurator on the first power on after installation to be able to adjust things to our liking, already compatible with the SP version, and Some small improvements compared to the previous version. (Now available from our Firmware section)

Black Seraph GarlicOs 2.0.2, although still in a very early and alpha phase, has also added support for the SP, and apparently is working on hardware acceleration, and preparing things before its launch. Good news after so long without news about GarlicOs 2

Shauninman MinUi has also been updated, and now adds support for the SP, for the mode when you close the screen… otherwise nothing new. (Now available from our Firmware section)

Furthermore, today we have learned about the existence of another Custom Firmware in development, ROCKNIX, which is nothing other than JELOS with its new name, and very similar to Knulli since it also uses EmulationStation… When we have more information we will tell you about it as always here…

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