Rom images from the stock card

     If you use the stock operating system that comes with the console, or you have downloaded a firmware update with the roms, you will have been able to see that the images associated with these roms are tiny and do not look good at all. It is for this reason that we have spent a few hours resizing them to their size so that they look much better. Here we leave you the download of these images so that you can replace them. They are based on the Firmware of 01-30-24. If you have added your roms or use any other romset they will not work for you, but for anyone who uses the ones that came standard, here they are:


New Wallpapers for Stock Firmware

     We have recently discovered how to be able to change theme files directly from the console itself, and we have created some simple scripts to be able to use without having to install programs that allow access to the Linux partitions of the operating system card, since the vast majority of people use Windows on their computers.
It is only necessary to download the wallpaper you want, unzip the files and copy them to the partition where the ROMS are, which is accessible and copy the files there within the APPS folder.
Afterwards from the console we only have to select the wallpaper and the number 5 will be added to the stock menu to be able to select it. This will install the wallpapers for the console and for the HDMI output. And if later you want to install another one that you like more, if you have selected number 5, the new one will change automatically.
Other customizations will be added very soon using this method, but while we are creating them, you can now download more than 75 wallpapers to choose from from our new Wallpapers for Stock section.
Enjoy them! Here we show you some of the available ones…

New Update

Anbernic has released the latest update on it’s site. You can download it on our Firmwares section.
This is the Cahnagelog:

System usage precautions:
1.35xxp-64GB is a complete image of the system and game used by 64GB TF1, and cannot be expanded.
2.35xxp-16GB, is a pure system without games and is only available for use with a 16GB TF1. It cannot be expanded.
3.64GB ROM is used by TF2 and needs to be matched with the 16GB system image of TF1.
Tip: 2 and 3 are equivalent to splitting the image of 1 into TF1 and TF2 for use.

35xx plus 20231221 OS Changelog:

New Features:
-Set the LED light status on/off during sleep.
-DC, ATOMISWAVE, and NAOMI simulators can switch the cross key simulation joystick function through the power button.

-Add a PCECD folder for the PCE CD simulator, no longer sharing the PCE folder.
-WiFi password character limit changed to 40 characters.
-Revised arcade icon text to be abbreviated as H.Brew.

Bug Fixes:
-Spanish translation error issue.
-Other known issues.

Compact No ROMs Modified Stock Firmware for RG35XX Plus

     Today Reddit user TomDuhamel has made things much easier for us by publishing the last 2 updates of the Anbernic stock firmware, without roms and compacted, making it easy to download and being able to use practically any SD card, not necessarily a 64GB one…
RG35XX Plus Stock Firmware – Compact and No ROMs – Dual SD card

These are modified versions of RG35XX Plus stock firmware images, for your convenience. I hope they are as useful for you as they are for me 🙂


All partitions have been shrinked to the smallest possible size, such that the total uncompressed image size is just under 5 GB. You can use any size microSD card.


The image contains a tiny, unusable ROM partition. Instead, this system is to be used with dual SD cards, in which the system is installed on the first card (TF1/INT) and all of your ROMs are installed on the second card (TF2/EXT). The system will only read your ROMs from the second card slot (TF2/EXT), and as such no menu will appear to ask which card to use.

You ROMs card must be of a valid format (FAT32 and exFAT are currently supported). The system will not attempt to format or fix the card if not valid — in this case it will simply show no ROMs at all. However, the full empty directory structure should be copied as usual if a valid blank card is inserted. This is not a dual boot system — any OS on the second card will be ignored.


You can download one of 2023-12-08 or 2023-12-12 firmware releases. The latest is the newest, and if you don’t have a reason not to, you should pick that one. However, a number of people have noticed some issues with that one, and therefore the previous version is also made available for your convenience. You really shouldn’t run any prior version, as the version that shipped with the Plus was missing a few systems and did not support the newer hardware features.


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